Andrew was there when Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Andrew found the boy with the food and brought him to Jesus. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! The selfie on that miracle would have been, well, miraculous. Each Friday, a group of First Lutheran members and other partners united in mission to provide breakfast at Greensboro Urban Ministry ultimately serve about 5,000 people a year – a modern-day reenactment of that famous story.
The spirit of Andrew is one of humility and service, a beacon of caring that burns bright through the centuries. The story of the loaves and fishes echoes across time, bringing hope and relief to those in need. Feeding the hungry is basic as a Christian action.
Who illuminates the spirit of Andrew for you?
People in Greensboro such as Don and Kristy Milholin with the Out of the Garden Project reflect Andrew’s energy to serve and offer hope. Since August 2008, beginning in their home, they began collecting food and have distributed hundreds of thousands of pounds of food to Guilford County students and their families. And more than 800 volunteers pack, sort and deliver food monthly.

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